Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vacation Highs

Well, till I have time to really do this right... my top ten highlights from our trip to Jacksonville and Sanibel are....

Ten - Overcoming my fear as I shelled on the Sanibel Beach, by myself - seriously, there was not a soul on the beach - at sunrise and running back to get my camera before I missed it!

Nine - Seeing a dolphin jumping in the water only moments before arriving in Jacksonville.

Eight - Spending the day in Captiva with the family! Gawjus...just gawjus!

Seven - Realizing how easy it was to be with some of the people I love so much but don't get to see enough of.

Six - Boogie boarding on Atlantic Beach!

Five - Collecting four buckets full of shells with my family.

Four - Finding a live nine-armed star fish and a live sand doller with my Johnny in the rain.

Three - Exploring the tide pools with the whole family and finding: live starfish, sand dollars, a sea cucumber, a sea slug, sea urchins, various colored anemones, hermit crabs, some other weird things buried in the sand that I don't have a name for, and the alien (will post more on that for sure!)

Two - Swimming at Bowman's Beach at sunset and finding some of the biggest conchs of the week, but alas, they were alive.

And the number one thing of the whole week....swimming with manatees at Heugenot Beach! Oh, yes, you heard me right...manatees! They just came right on up to us and basically snuggled up to us and let us pet them and pet them and pet them!

There are so many more than this ... but this will do for now!

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