Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween! 2008

A really scared Daddy-o
Some really rockin' punkins!
Some awesomely spooky ruins (check out the orbs!)
A werewolf, three aliens, batman, a fairy, an dead egyptian princess, a skeleton zombie and a hippy chick (our posse).
Ooooooooo ... scary
John's parade
Some campaigning
Guest appearance by Sarah Palin
First parade (Stephen)
A spooky story
A visit to Slime Hall *no pix*
and one visit with Cousin It - the best Halloween yet!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's been goin' on, been goin' on, been goin' on (you know you're singin' along)

Last week...we went to find that elusive water fall ...AGAIN.
We knew it'd be easy this time, only .5 miles ... right?
But, we missed the trail head and wound up bushwacking through the woods. We came upon this cliff and found
This...Daddy-o is very happy. Freshly dropped 4 point deer antler.
Then, we finally came to this...uh oh...
But we perservered and Victory!
Hmm, where's the waterfall?? That doesn't look like a waterfall.
Well, it's actually behind us...I forgot to take a pic...cuz the swing
and the rope
was just ...
too much fun!
So there!

Look below!

The jewelry is below the anniversary post :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

7 Years Ago

today, I married the man I've loved for "more than half my life" and still do.
Happy Anniversary Honey!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The first showing

I was prepping for an Artisan show to be held at the end of November, when a friend of mine invited me to be at a Harvest Festival today. I was so stressed, and freaking OUT about all of it, but I got it done. This is what I came up with in 2 weeks. The display is not the best, but it'll get much better by 11/29. I did have a wonderful response to all of it and sold 4 SIGNIFICANT pieces, which happened to be the priciest!

Kelly green sea glass coupled with natural amethyst on nylon coated steel cord with sterling silver clasp.

Gold beads, natural lapis lazuli, amber sea glass, cobalt sea glass on nylon coated steel cord and gold lobster clasp.

Cornflower blue sea glass with sterling silver bail and soft blue sea glass on simple sterling silver bail.
AND, look for my etsy shop coming soon!

Click on any image to enlarge.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My baby is blossoming!

With much trepidation (on my part only, it seems) Alex began Middle School this year. I wrung my hands, and worried myself into an edgy state of anxiety ... all for naught! She has taken to the new surroundings, schedule and opportunities presented to her with such grace and ease that it astounds me. She takes the bus each day and gets off with a smile and a hug for me. She's just so happy and confident lately that every time I think of her I do nothing but smile rather than worry! (Okay, I still worry, a lot, but not in the same way, lol)The Italian Club
New Adventures for her!
Marching in the Columbus Day parade on October 5, 2008
And, there's my girl! I couldn't march with her because of logistics (originally, I was supposed to) but she didn't care, not one bit. "I wanna do it mom! I'll be fine!"
And she did, and she was...

To the Lab, Igor!

Lab??? I thought that was my laundry room! Oh, wait, it is my laundry room!I've taken over any extra space I may have had to pile clean and/or dirty clothes in here so I could be near the sink and electricity - scary - at the same time!
Above, the round container holds water and a piece of wood - all the glass has to be drilled on slow speed, under water so the bit (diamond) does not overheat and break. This is where I've been spending my time lately...thank goodness I have some good tunes loaded on the ipod! And, back to the lab I go!

What a lovely day :)

Thursday was apple picking day. We woke to our day off from school to rain, but it soon turned warm and bright! Woo hoo for us! I'd recently heard about a new orchard I thought we'd try out - Masker Orchards...I'm so glad I did!

Half a bag full - Macs and Reds - pic taken by Stephen.
What a good sister he has!
A lovely man walked by and asked to take our picture!
Don't be surprised if you see this pic around the Holidays!
This was only a small part of the view all around the orchard! Serenity!
Lovely little flowers.
John chased and chased this butterfly until he could get just the right shot!To round off our apple picking, we stopped at an amazing local creamery for homemade ice cream!
You can even visit the farm in October to watch calf milking, etc. Awesome flavor selection! Stephen had the mint chip, Alex and John the cookies and cream and I had the black dirt blast ... YUM!
Here's a little friend that I found, ahem, in the bathroom. Had to share with the kids.
Alex's turn at the camera! What a goof!
We missed the Daddy-o, but we've found our place for apple picking next year!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here's ONE ...

I'm working like crazy, but only got a pic of this one so far - whatcha tink???