Friday, September 19, 2008

Say hello to my little, uh I mean big, fren

Each fall our area plays host to a species of rather large spiders. Actually, they're not just large, they're HUGE! Yet, I have found myself transfixed more than once watching them create their beautiful, giant masterpieces all around the backyard. These creatures truly are magnificent...except, when you see one hanging out in the middle of your trunk! Mind you, I'm not particularly afraid of spiders, but I have two simple rules for my frens:

1) Don't you ever land on me when I'm not expecting it.

2) Respect my space and I'll respect yours; i.e. outside is your house, inside is mine (except for Daddy Long Legs - they get to go wherever they want).

Recently, I came across a rebel...
The spider web was so large it was attached to the inside roof of my car, the trunk bottom and betwixt both windows.
After taking the above picture, I gently released my little fren and took this closeup. We, I believe, were both relieved to be on our own ways that day.

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