Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Little Guy's Life

I feel I don't often write enough about my little guy, and, quite frankly, I could write an entire book solely based on how he melts my heart each and every time he looks at me and says "I love you" for no apparent reason other than that is how he's feeling at the moment. Aside from his charm, he is quite the character.

On December 30, 2008 he asked me for "one of those things that wakes you up." "An alarm clock?" I ask. "Yes, Mama (that's what he's suddenly calling me nowadays, ) so I can wake up in the morning." "Sure, honey." I reply. "I have one for you." "Okay, because my body and my mind have been having a battle and my body won. I want to sleep in my own room tonight."
We never pushed him, never even asked him if he wanted to...his body and mind decided for him.

That first night, we couldn't believe it. He crashed right away, only to wake up at 4:00 a.m., then 4:30 a.m. and so on. In our bed, out of our bed...and finally, back in ours. Other than being tired, it was all good for us. We assumed he'd be back rotating between his big sister and brother's beds again. And he did, for one night more...but for the past two

he's been snuggled up with Carey (his Care Bear) and his puppy. Nodding off in the blink of an eye to wander around his very own Neverland.

It's wonderful and bittersweet all at once. He's such an independent little guy and I suppose, intuitively, he knows I'm a little sad about him growing up. Believe it or not, it may just be the reason he's started calling me Mama lately. It's just the way he is.

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