Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reinventions - Not Resolutions

I have never really liked the word resolution - sounds so negative to me. I mean, think about it, when it is used in this tense..."Romeo, I resolve myself to drink this poison and live with you for all eternity." Okay, well, that's kind of dramatic, but you get the picture. I'm not resolving myself to do anything this year - I am a chameleon, I am adapting and changing with my environment, I am an elephant, I have a long memory and I am a phoenix, I am recreating myself from the, okay, just as dramatic!

In my world, January 5th is the day I chose for all of this to begin - the kids went back to school and we all started on a clean slate that day, rather than foggy and tired on January 1st.

Here goes, in list form, as a little nod to Blue House Mom who always loves a good list!

1. Monday - 1/5/09 - No sugar in my coffee, I really miss my sugar! Yup, I'm going healthy again! As much as I love all the yummy, fattening, sweet, white gooey stuff that's been around for over a month - my body doesn't love it back! I've been tired, crabby and literally dragging my butt! Goodbye sweet nothings.

2. Yoga - first class, ever - 9:30 a.m. Some spiritual and physical exercise! The ying.

3. Karate - back to it - Tuesdays and Thursdays! I ALWAYS feel better and do better when I have a physical release - I just gotta work through the pain ...the yang.

3. Study - If I haven't toldja already, I've registered to take the Teaching ASSISTANT ** Certification Exam - 2/21/09. Brushing up on that math, oh man!!! Already sent the resume in to the school district and researching colleges to start classes, hopefully, by summer to get the rest of the credits I need to eventually get my teaching certificate ...yea, I know, whoa, nothing like doing something outta left field. Hit the brakes, turn around, it's do over time. **Whoops** Missed that word first go round on this post - wish I could go right for the Teacher Cert. Baby steps, baby steps!

4. Doctors Appointments - I'm wayyyy behind. Just routine stuff and taking care of business! First one is this Thursday already!!! Nothing like the universe not letting me procrastinate any longer.

5. Leaving my comfort zone. That's a big one for me. Started already. Did the yoga thing, went to a New Year's Eve Party, sent my resume out on Christmas Eve, helped a woman out by driving her to the hospital yesterday and getting her settled - long story. These aren't things that are completely alien to me, helping people, doing things on my own, new experiences, but I've been in this cloistering myself away from the outside world mode for way too long - it became very cozy inside ... but if I have to be honest, its kinda lonely in here. It's time to welcome the world back into my life - and I never do things half way - so look out - here I come.

6. Stop Smoking Part Deux - I gave it a huge, and I mean huge COLD TURKEY effort over the summer and failed miserably. I don't mean just couldn't do it, I basically did it, then fell apart. I mean sobbing in a fetal position type of failure. But failure means nothing unless you learn from your mistakes! I cannot do this alone! I'm going to try the gum this time - I've even got a coupon! Hey, so what if I get addicted to the gum, at least the blasted smoke won't be inside my body any longer!

7. Structure. I always thought it was the kids who were the ones who thrived on structure...but, it's become increasingly evident in my day to day life that I also thrive on structure. I guess the old adage is true - a happy mother makes a happy home!

8. Self-talk - only positive - only positive - only positive - only positive - only positive, shall I go on? Self talk = the constant dialogue in my head.

9. ME! ME! ME! I don't think of myself often, I mean, of course we all do, but not when it comes to my needs...and I don't mean material things, I mean emotionally, spiritually, mentally - I've hit my go to hell years early ladies - what can I tell ya? I've had some amazing women paving the way for me! It's all your fault!!!! I hope ya still love me when I catch up to ya!

10. Creativity - I will not be trading in my creative side for any of the things mentioned above - it's part of who I am and an intregal puzzle piece to my happiness. I will still write, sew, cook, bake and make some beautiful jewelry too!

11. Being a better mother, wife, daughter, friend. This should actually be number one on the list, but all the things that I typed up before this will help me to become a better person in general. So, it is last, but it is most important, especially the mother part.


allison said...

Sugar - I hear you on the sugar thing. I LOVE sugar + milk in my tea. I'm trying to switch over to green or white tea instead of plain old Lipton, but it's not the same.

Yoga - Very cool. I'm lousy at it, but I love how it makes me feel. I'm sure you're good at it.

Karate - Is Chris your teacher?

Study - Good luck! You'll do fine. And you'll make a fantastic teacher.

Doc Appts - These are so critical. Please follow up on all of this. What a wonderful gift this is to your children...they will see you handle your own appts and then grow up to do it for themselves. This is a big, big thing.

Comfort Zone - I think it's great you're venturing out. Do what makes you feel good and challenge yourself when you can. Hey, if you're ever lonely during the day, you can ride up here and visit me and G!

Smoking - Good luck with The Quit. Another great thing to show your kids.

Structure - Oh, I'm a structure fiend! Let me know if I can help out with anything here. Seriously, structure makes me feel good inside and it's really, really helped Jon, too.

Self-Talk - Oh, I'm lousy at this. I'm full of so many negative things. Seriously. I need to take this one to my own life. I'm a *closet* self-disliker. You'd never know and I don't ever do it in front of G, but man, I'm jam-packed with poor words for me!

You, You, You - Have fun with it! Glad to hear you're taking time for you.

Creativity - Your jewelry is beautiful. And your other creative endeavors are true passions for you.

You're a great sis-in-law. And it only takes one look at your children to know that you're a great mother. You're doing just fine, Sheila. I'm still a novice at motherhood, but I know it's a work in progress. No going back to change anything, but you can most definitely work towards the NOW and the FUTURE.

Good list.

Sheila said...

THANKS :) You are one of the mothers I definitely admire! You are an amazing mother - don't ever sell yourself short!

Ha ha ha...Chris is not my teacher presently, but it's fun when he is and I get to punch him ;)

The self-talk is a big one - an ongoing work in progress - I'm one of those self-dislikers too...big challenge!