Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sanibel Sunrise Snafu

Our stay revolved around one thing, and one thing only - following the low tide. You see, this is the best shelling time. We even (ahem, I) planned our vacation around the full moon, because this promises the longest and the lowest tide. I was actually a little excited about the cruddy weather we had the first day or so because this also brings with it the promise of more shells being kicked up.

That being said, one particular evening I set the alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. - yes, for those of you who know me, the vampire got up that early just to collect shells - thus, giving myself enough time to chug some coffee and get to the beach - only a few steps from the condo - by 6:30 a.m. - yeah, just me.

To my amazement, the beach was completely deserted! At first I thought - wow, what luck, I'm the only crazy person out here - more shells for me! Then, it got creepy! I imagined the CSI episode being filmed already - the names and dates have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent - but I was determined!
So, I faced my fears and, dagnabbit, I shelled that beach that day.
I walked ...
and walked....
and walked! I assure you, many fine shells were found that day!

What could possibly be the snafu? Well, it wasn't until the next day that I realized the clock in our bedroom was an hour earlier than the actual clock of, um, life! I was on the beach at 5:30 in the morning, not 6:30! I think I may actually still be tired...ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The silver lining to it all was, besides the awesome shells of course, is that despite the ominous sky I captured above, there were clear skies all around by mid-morning!

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