Thursday, September 25, 2008

I s'pose I should thank's the story

I love nature, ask anyone who knows me...I'm the mom, the auntie, the chick who will dig up worms, pick up bugs, bait my own hooks, catch frogs, get muddy, go exploring...but it seems that I must have upset the order of nature or something lately! (Thus the overwhelming need to seek absolution by starting a green tips series!) Anyway, first there was the spider and then, a little over a week ago...I got sprayed by a ....

Oh, yes I did! I didn't think I did! But, but but ... I DID!!! Gaw head, laugh. I can hear ya all the way over here!

Here's how it happened. One evening I went into the backyard, but I didn't follow my usual route straight to the back. This particular night I went to the side of the house. It was already dark outside and the yard had an inky quality to it as the moon was obscured by cloud cover. Something shiny caught my eye *** ooooo....shiny *** so, I stepped onto the patio and walked towards a tree where the shiny thing was. I immediately realized it's was only a long forgotten nail stuck in the tree. I turned and walked back towards the patio when I hear a rustling in the leaves was right next to me...I looked down and all I saw was this weird white thing moving around. I wasn't even startled at first, just perplexed as to what in the world it might be - and then it hit was a tail! Instinct took over and I bolted for dear life! I ran around to the front door praying that the waft of skunk following me was only on the air and not on me.

Hurriedly, I opened the front door and faced a houseful of people - oh, yea, only about 20 or so members of our family were visiting that evening - and in with me comes the skunk smell - everyone is inundated in seconds. I start pacing before I say anything, trying to calm down and then I had to know for sure! I asked a few of them to smell my legs, back, arms, everywhere - it's quite funny in retrospect, all these people sniffing me, but they said it definitely wasn't "on" me. YAY, I hadn't gotten sprayed!

We all proceeded through the night assuming the skunk had, in fact, must have because the smell was so strong, but I'd been missed somehow. HA! Except, that I kept smelling it, and smelling it ... and smelling it. A sinking feeling, that I couldn't shake had taken hold in the pit of my stomach. But it just didn't make sense. People had smelled me...said I was fine and then I went to change for bed. I started taking off my clothes to change and more skunk smell erupted around me. It had to be somewhere!!! Sure enough, there was skunk on my SHORTS but not on ME! Can you believe it???? It sprayed, I dodged and got nailed with only a drop or two on the back of my shorts! PHEW!

Native Americans believe in animal totems, power animals, etc. that are assigned to us for various reasons. My curiosity was peaked after this experience and I had to look it up. Jill, if you're reading this...remember a few years back you had given me other information on skunk medicine...what a trip, eh?? This is the short version:

SKUNK - brings us an awareness of self-respect. When we fully accept who we are and learn to express the essence of ourselves, without ego, we attract those who share our path and repel those who don't. Skunk medicine is the original "Walk your talk." It is about developing a good self-image. It brings increased sensuality spiritually, sexuality and psychic awareness. A more in depth explanation can be found by clicking the following link:

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